Airport screening

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As far as the aviation sector is concerned, nothing can be left to chance. We are not talking about the aircraft, but about everything that happens before getting on board or simply about the work of many of the agents involved. What many of the processes involved have in common is that they take place within the same space. We are talking about the airport. There are many factors that must combine perfectly in order for it to function optimally in all respects.

There are many elements to consider and it is essential to have them perfectly under control. This is the only way to achieve maximum performance. Technology becomes a key player in providing security and optimisation. Along the following lines, we will focus on airport screening. Take note of how important it is that each element is perfectly controlled.

Horustec, a key player in airport screening 

One of the busiest and most operational elements in an airport are the trolleys in which travellers’ luggage is transported, as well as various objects or belongings that are of great importance for workers to be able to carry out their daily work with absolute normality.

It should be borne in mind that airports are places where there are a large number of workers and where long distances are travelled, so it is essential that they are perfectly positioned at all times. In this way, maximum use can be made of them, offering great results in terms of its operation.

For us, airport screening holds no secrets. At CarttecLAB, we offer the latest technology for maximum control over the trolleys. This is where Horustec technology comes in. It brings great benefits with regard to the management of a basic element such as trolleys. Horustec is much more, featuring RFID, Bluetooth Low Energy and UWD (Ultra Wide Band technology).

Now you may want to know about the functional aspect of Horustec airports with regard to the management of airport trolleys. Find out all about what it has to offer!

One of the main functions within the analysis that can be carried out, is knowing the number of trolleys available and where they are at any given time, which is key to boosting the performance of the different areas of the airport. Speaking of areas, this allows you to know the number of trolleys that are available at counters or in other areas.

Regarding screening at airports and the importance of trolleys in this, besides controlling where they are in real time, we can also obtain numbers regarding the length of time they are used, as well as the different routes taken.